What's Next?

Antiracism is a process of actively identifying and opposing racism. The goal of antiracism is to challenge racism and actively change the policies, behaviors, and beliefs that perpetuate racist ideas and actions.

Antiracism is rooted in action. It is about taking steps to eliminate racism at the individual, institutional, and structural levels. It is not a new concept, but the Black Lives Matter movement has helped increase the focus on the importance of antiracism.

Understand What Racism Is
People often think of racism solely in terms of individual actions. The word may conjure up images of people in White cloaks or neo-Nazi’s with shaved heads. While both represent racism, it is important to realize that racial discrimination is not always so overt.

Believing that racism is always so direct blinds us from recognizing and examining our own biased beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.

Examine Your Own Biases
Antiracism requires looking at your own beliefs and actions critically. Research has shown that even people who support racial equality often unknowingly hold racist attitudes. This discrepancy is often explained by the existence of implicit biases, or attitudes that are largely unconscious but influence behavior.

Tip #1: Accept that we've all been raised in a society that elevates white culture over others. Being antiracist will mean first challenging those notions inside yourself.

Tip #2: Learn the history of racism and antiracism, especially in America, to educate yourself about the complexities of the issues you'll be confronting.

Tip #3: Seek out films and TV shows which will challenge your notions of race and culture and dive in deeply, learning to see antiracism in new ways.

Tip #4: Find local organizations involved in antiracism efforts – preferably led by people of color – and help uplift their voices and ideas.

- Npr.org